Kids who are knowledgeable about dog safety are equipped with essential skills to interact safely with our four-legged friends. They understand the importance of approaching dogs calmly and asking for permission from the owner before petting or engaging the dog.

Children who learn dog safety avoid sudden movements, loud noises and they know how to respect a dog’s personal space.

Their awareness of warning signs like growling or baring teeth helps prevent accidents, thereby, ensuring both children and dogs have a happy and safe companionship.

Let’s play a game to find out how much your children know about dog safety. Enjoy this game to start a conversation at the dinner table or use it to keep the kids occupied during a long car trip.

We would like to know if your child is a Dog Savvy Kid!


What should you always do before petting a dog you don’t know? 

a) Ask the owner for permission b) Pet the dog right away c) Run up to the dog and surprise it

If a dog is eating or sleeping, should you bother it? 

  • a) Yes, it’s okay to wake it up or take its food b) No, you should leave it alone  c) Maybe, but be very quiet when approaching
  • How can you tell if a dog is happy and wants to be petted? 
  • a) If it has a wagging tail and relaxed body b) If it has its teeth bared and growls c) If it runs away from you
  • What should you do if a dog you’re petting starts to growl or show signs of discomfort? 
  • a) Keep petting it to calm it down b) Yell loudly to scare the dog away c) Stop petting and slowly back away
  • Why is it important to respect a dog’s personal space? 
  • a) Dogs don’t like people b) It shows that you are a dog expert c) It helps keep you safe and prevents the dog from feeling threatened
  • Which of the following is NOT a safe way to approach a dog? 
  • a) Running up to the dog quickly b) Slowly extending your hand for the dog to sniff c) Letting the dog come to you first
  • What should you do if a dog you don’t know approaches you and starts jumping and barking? 
  • a) Run away as fast as you can b) Stay still and avoid making eye contact  c) Scream loudly for help
  • If a dog bites you, what’s the first thing you should do? 
  • a) Hide and keep it a secret b) Tell an adult right away c) Try to find the dog and get revenge
  • Which of the following is a friendly gesture to show a dog you like him? 
  • a) Staring directly into its eyes b) Gently petting its neck or sides c) Tugging on its ears
  • Why is it important to spread the word about dog safety to your friends and family? 
  • a) So you can show off your knowledge b) To help keep everyone safe around dogs c) Because it’s a fun thing to do

Please find the answers below.

How did your children score on this game?

8 to 10 correct answers = You’re pretty dog savvy.

5 to 7 correct answers = You’re learning how to stay safe about dogs

1 to 4 = I want Dog Savvy Kids to visit my school, scouting event or library for a fun-filled education on dog safety.

Answers: a) Ask the owner for permission. b) No, you should leave it alone. a) If it has a wagging tail and relaxed body. c) Stop petting and slowly back away. c) It helps keep you safe and prevents the dog from feeling threatened. a) Running up to the dog quickly b) Stay still and avoid making eye contact. b) Tell an adult right away b) Gently petting its back or sides. b) To help keep everyone safe around dogs

Dog Savvy Kids offers interactive and educational presentations designed to provide children with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe around dogs. Whether you are a school, library, scouting troop, home-schooled organization or own a dog-related company, this engaging presentation is perfect for your young audience. Visit for more.

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